Calendar of events for the Pikes Peak "N"Gineers 2008

March 2008
March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Saturday Work Sessions / Run Trains 9 – 11 am.
March 3: Board Meeting – Howard’s Pit Barbeque – dinner at 6:30 p.m. – meeting at 7:30 p.m.
March 4, 11, 18, 25: Tuesday Work Sessions 7 – 9 pm
March 7, 14, 28: Friday Work Sessions / Run Trains 7 – 9 pm.
March 21: Business meeting at D&RG Depot 7 pm.
April 2008
April 7: Board Meeting – Howard’s Pit Barbeque – dinner at 6:30 p.m. – meeting at 7:30 p.m.
April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Tuesday work Sessions - 7–9 pm
April 4, 11, 18, 25: Friday Work Sessions – 7–9 pm
April 18: Business meeting at D&RG Depot 7 pm.
April 5, 12, 19, 26: Saturday Work Sessions - 9-11 am
Anderson Power Polls
The club will be ordering more of the Anderson Power Poll connectors to complete the wiring on the layout. We will be ordering about 100 sets to get the best discount. For those of you who need the power polls we will be selling them after we receive them. When I receive the pricing I’ll put it in the Railhead. The ones we have installed so far work great and are easier to work with than the old Jones plugs. We will be doing a clinic on how to assemble and use the power polls. I will put this info in the Railhead as well.

Raffles Are Back
Yes the raffles are back. Ron Theisman has stated he will donate a car a month for the raffle held at the end of the monthly business meeting. One of the conditions of the raffle is that we have at least 7 people at the meetings. The tickets will be 1 for $1.00 and 3 for $2.00. See you the meetings.

Club Trip
At this time the club has the following options for the club trip. The Cumbre & Toltec, Leadville C&S, Ski Train (depending on 2008 schedule), and maybe Amtrak – Denver to Glenwood Springs. For those interested in going on one of these trips come to a board or business meeting and let the board know your preference. We need to get going on this so we can get it all scheduled out. When we reach a majority on which trip to take the cost will be put in the Railhead.

Garden City Show
The club will not be going to Garden City this year. We did not have enough volunteers to go. Hopefully this will not be the case for next year.

Road Trips
There has been some interest in doing some road trips. Most of the trips can be done in 1 day. Others will require an overnight stay or camping trip. Some of the ideas are to cover the DSP&P from Denver to Como, Denver & New Orleans from Falcon to Franktown, Gold Camp & Phantom Canyon roads. Other trips would be a day trip to the Pueblo Railroad Museum or go the Limon Museum, Tiny Town. Some members are thinking of another camping trip to Westcliff to study the old Grape Creek grade and maybe head up to Texas Creek and check out that grade. In future issues of the Railhead I’ll try and give some historical articles behind each of these trips.

February 2008 GTE Show
Once the show started if you were on the inside you almost had to stay there because you could not get out do to the crowd around the layout. We received many complements on every module. Did notice most people were taking their time to see every little detail. Yes we were asked how we did it, where do you get it, just great! The Boot Hill Club made the show this year so we visited with them during the show. I forgot my camera on Sunday so I missed a few spectacular train wrecks. Imagine a tank starts to wobble; all of a sudden it tips and falls into the side of a fast moving beer train. The horrors of watching several beer cars derail and crash to the ground were witnessed by several on lookers! Then all is quiet. Out of nowhere comes a fast Rock Island passenger train and it’s too late as it crashes into a toppled beer car! Luckily there was no loss of life, but the anguished cries over spilt beer were heard everywhere.

Chris and Verta woking on trains The crowd around the layout